The content here is based on the Core Paradigm of human consciousness. I discovered this paradigm seventeen years ago and my life has not been the same since. It's focus is on supporting us in our life endeavors. Each title has a 'thought for the day' and an 'action you can take' to challenge the status quo of the issues you face. Please feel free to browse the various titles, ask questions, comment or challenge anything posted. If you have specific requests or issues you wish me to address let me know. You may contact me at larsline@mail.com or go to my website at http://www.lifeaftersurvival.com/ to learn more about the paradigm and read about my book Life after Survival: Consciously Evolving our Consciousness. I hope you will find value and return often...Larry

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Who is a Life Coach?

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A reader assailed me the other day with promoting Life Coaching as the only way I offered her to provide support. She wrote the following:

"You can try to do that 'alone'; or much more effectively with a Life Coach"

"...contact a Life Coach that can help you open the door to your loneliness"

Dear Larry,
I am a friend of (a friend). I take exception to the above statements, which in my
eyes and to my mind, are quite self-serving on your part. It also does not allow for people
to find other ways, roads, and guides to help them with the alone/lonely issue.

'A new reader'

I am a Life Coach so you will forgive me, I hope, for not clarifying sooner what I mean by seeking life coaches in your life. I use the term life coaching in a generic way to mean anyone who can remain objective when faced with your shift into the survival consciousness I refer to as your auto/protector self.

I believe that most therapist, counselors, mentors, clergy, facilitators and others are life coaches in our society. I support all ways that lead to well being and discourage anything that leaves you bogged down in victim hood. It was always my hope that this blog would eventually catch on and I would be providing these insights and tools to thousands of readers who might benefit from the experience I have had in working with people over the last twenty five years. I always knew that the demand for life coaching would far outstrip any ability I might have to supply direct contact, and so, I wanted a forum that I could provide what I have learned while encouraging people to find coaches within their own circle to support them in achieving the goals they seek.

What I do know is that Life Coaching can take many forms; and while it is not therapy, it can be enormously therapeutic. What I try to impress on people is that when we shift into the auto/protector consciousness we define people in terms of "with us or against us" and we cope. The auto/protector self is seductive and frequently drives those around us into their own fight/flight persona...Having people in your life that can side step that becomes essential. If we are to escape the effects and ineffectiveness that fight/flight behavior heaps upon us we must exit our survival persona...hence the call and plea for you to seek life coaches that can remain compassionate, personal and objective in supporting you through your struggles to survive.

I coach therapist, ministers, counselors and others and in each case I find that the burden of their practice is being seduced by the powerful effects of their clients predicaments. Life Coaching may be perceived as an alternative to therapy, but if I am to believe my therapist clients, it is the way therapist seek to be most effective with their charges. People NEED people, it's just the way we are built. We thrive as social beings. The unique nature of our consciousness demands that we have feedback and support from our peers; especially when faced with our shift into the pain of our survival consciousness, but the ability to remain outside of the drama and seduction of the auto/protector selves of others is a skill we are only beginning to understand in this society.

What I am trying to do here is provide some guide posts for you to confront the chronic issues that bedevil you in your life. I want you to benefit from what I have learned and what I know can assist you to exit the common and frequent pain, fear and loss that too many of us experience in life. I have chronicled some reoccurring themes in my work in the hopes that thousands of people living in pain, frustration, anxiety, depression and self doubt will find knowledge, tools and processes to exit the struggles dogging their lives. If you want me to address something in this format please write me at larsline@mail.com if you want more information on the Core Paradigm and my life work go to www.lifeaftersurvival.com and for the few that would seek me out as their personal life coach I will try to accommodate as time permits...but as always...love the ones you're with and seek your path with love and humanity...until next time, I remain...Respectfully Yours, Larry

Thought for the Day: Wherever you are, emotionally, spiritually, financially, personally or socially is simply a fact of this moment. Allow this moment and surrender to its temporal truth, that it is what it is and this too, no matter what, shall pass.

An Action You can Take...Take a look at a situation with which you are struggling and notice who in your life could provide you with support to be okay with it just the way it is. Who could you seek out that would stand with you and allow you to surrender and make peace with the situation? Then do so, being sure to let them know you appreciate their support and not their agreement to your victim hood.

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