The content here is based on the Core Paradigm of human consciousness. I discovered this paradigm seventeen years ago and my life has not been the same since. It's focus is on supporting us in our life endeavors. Each title has a 'thought for the day' and an 'action you can take' to challenge the status quo of the issues you face. Please feel free to browse the various titles, ask questions, comment or challenge anything posted. If you have specific requests or issues you wish me to address let me know. You may contact me at larsline@mail.com or go to my website at http://www.lifeaftersurvival.com/ to learn more about the paradigm and read about my book Life after Survival: Consciously Evolving our Consciousness. I hope you will find value and return often...Larry

Friday, May 23, 2008

The Search for Security and Safety--the Myth

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What are we? Human beings...neither strong, nor swift; dull of senses and thin skinned the least of all the animals fit to survive, but survive we did. It's what we do! We seek safety and security or at least our survival consciousness does. It's a life long quest and it begins the moment we're born. We cry out for comfort, nourishment, warmth and the security of our parent's embrace; and when we feel its loss we cry out again. The human child NEEDS more care and support than any other infant mammal on this planet and the relationships we form between our species are critical to our survival. Our tribe was our safety and our security.

Fast forward fifty thousand years or so...the year 2008, life on our planet is safe and secure...for some at least. We have nations and corporations, stock holders and lawyers...we have social structures, strong houses, good friends and we have gangs, war, greed, inequity, poverty, neglect and abuse. We have it all; and through it all we remain driven by our need for security and safety.

We are a fragmented species full of contention and desperate to belong. We form more and more micro alliances and then pit one against the other; and still the need drives us...security and safety. When will it be safe enough for us to lay down our differences and join together as one tribe? No time soon I suspect.

When will Palestine, join hands with Israel? Many will answer the day after hell freezes over. When will Christians embrace Muslims...the day after that. How 'bout the Crips and the Bloods, or the corporate suits and the union reps? Look in your own life and make your own list...who are the good guys and who are the baddies?...and when will it end?

About now, I think, we're all ready to toss in the towel. "It ain't gonna end Larry, it ain't gonna." Really? Then any hope we have of making this a better (safer more secure) world is out the window. If we really want to make a more secure and safe world, (or just be more secure and safe in ourselves) we are going to have to make it safe for all of us; because as long as it isn't safe for some, it isn't safe for any of us.

If you want security, safety and a better tomorrow, then I think its time to focus on including 'the others' (the perpetrators, bad guys, meanies and idiots) back into your life. What that means is, on a personal level, you need to examine where you feel victimized, disenfranchised, miss perceived, and shunned; and embrace those people as one of your own. You need to stop whining about what was done to you, or is being done to you and begin to appreciate what is driving their perceived injustice.

If your little voice is asking, "How can I do that?" right now you can answer it with, "You're asking the wrong question." The question is, "WHAT is it I have to do to be safer and more secure in my world," and the answer is, "I must include...."

What leaves you feeling insecure? Whatever it is allow it to be, surrender your victim hood, stand resolute in your honor, trust in the ultimate wisdom of justice and goodwill, resist only your desires to retaliate and isolate and embrace the fear that drives both you and others to hoard and separate unnecessarily.

This world will never be safe; and security is a myth...no one gets out alive...all we have is each other. It was what we were born to in the distant mists of time; and it is what we must find once again. Stand for all of us, and stand for kindness, love and goodwill between all peoples on this earth. Do not be discouraged by the enormity of this task and do not shirk your place in it's unfolding. Make your life better one gentle kindness, forgiveness, empathy and compassion at a time...love the ones you're with...and embrace them all...until next time, I remain...Respectfully Yours...Larry

A Thought for the Day: Pain, fear and loss drive us into our survival consciousness and give us the illusion of being incomplete. You are complete just as you are, in this moment, with all the insecurities you experience...Others wait for your embrace and to embrace you...it is just the way of things.

An Action you can Take...speak to someone you've been afraid to speak to...let them know of your fear and let them know it is not their fault. Tell them you would like to understand them better and then do so. Notice the power you possess is to 'understand'; not make others understand you. (Remember understanding is not agreement and compassion is not approval.)

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