The content here is based on the Core Paradigm of human consciousness. I discovered this paradigm seventeen years ago and my life has not been the same since. It's focus is on supporting us in our life endeavors. Each title has a 'thought for the day' and an 'action you can take' to challenge the status quo of the issues you face. Please feel free to browse the various titles, ask questions, comment or challenge anything posted. If you have specific requests or issues you wish me to address let me know. You may contact me at larsline@mail.com or go to my website at http://www.lifeaftersurvival.com/ to learn more about the paradigm and read about my book Life after Survival: Consciously Evolving our Consciousness. I hope you will find value and return often...Larry

Monday, June 28, 2010

Goals and Intentions

Good morning...(see that was my intention)...to wish each and every one of you a good morning...(unstoppable, this intention thing)...for me this morning, a little overcast, very quiet...still...except for the bunny slowly hopping about, outside my front window...it seems exquisite to me...and I so want to share that with you...good morning...I want to share...(an intention)...also, I want to share with 'everyone' who is needing a little cheering up...(a goal...most stoppable)...I wish I could share this with everyone who needed to hear it...(a goal and intention all mished together)...I do wish that, and what is within my grasp is to wish you, whoever chooses to read this...a good morning...I will certainly find some other avenues, as well, today, because that is my intention...but I may not reach everyone, not bad, but short of the goal....

Sometimes when we have grand intentions they come with goals...I do that endlessly...the intention is within our grasp and the goal is something yet to be achieved...not so bad...sometimes...and devastating other times...having goals can be a two edged sword...It can lead to great achievements, or it can become the feeding ground that can turn lovely intentions into driven and hopeless needs, fristrations, upsets....

I have an intention and a goal, to reach everyone who needs it, whether they know it or not, with the message of the Core Paradigm...I think it may be best if I simply leave it as an intention...the Core Paradigm is simple, human beings become human doings when they get triggered by life...a trigger is anything in someones life that 'they perceive' as dangerous, painful or creating loss...in other words most everything in life....

Human Doings are driven by the human version of fight/flight/freeze...they are reactive, self possessed, driven, determined, dynamos of capitalism, and just about every human excess can be laid at their feet...some of these things seem good, others, not so good...Human Doings have goals and are often, very good at getting them, others, not so good...Human Doings are "either/or" kinda people, you either with'em or agin'em...seems like they make the world go round...and yes, mostly that's true....

Human Beings, emerge when it is safe enough for us, any of us, to take the time to smell the flowers...Human Beings, have intentions...they are curious, compassionate, kind, loving and generous...they look for ways for everyone in the village to share what resources are available...they give of themselves and support others to do the same...their intentions are unlimited and they're the people we gravitate to when we stop being our own human doing...as you might suspect, Human Beings and Human Doings are one in the same people...they are US....

I want people to know, that the driven nature of life is the fight/flight/freeze nature of Human Beings...I don't want to make it wrong...it's not...I want people to know that at times it can be excessive and unproductive and turn to greed and other misguided behavior...it is what leads many into depression, anxiety, frustration, rage and self loathing...I want them to know it is not an issue of mental health, but an issue of being afraid too much of the time...and I want to share that with everybody...in the hope and promise, that this knowledge can and will bring more sanity to our human interaction....

...any time a human doing returns to a Human Being, you can bet the dialogue will improve...Human Beings will solve the Palestinian thing, human doings will continue to hold their ground...Human Beings will stop focusing on greed and begin to serve the public, with whatever endeavor they are engaged in...human doings will bleed it dry...I want everyone to know it doesn't have to be this way, and they don't have to be in so much pain...but I guess that ain't goin' to happen.

...so I want to share it with you and whomever you see fit to share it with...that is what this blog is all about...to bring the message of the Core Paradigm to as many people who will have it...It has helped me, it has helped my family, it has helped my clients and perhaps has helped you as you have read these pages...I'm afraid, often, that this is not enough, it isn't good enough, but it is....

We, all of us, see the effects of too much Human Doings going on in the world...Human beings, don't have trouble getting along with each other, Human doings, do...human beings don't turn their nests (Places where they and others live and frolic) into gooey messes, Human Doings, do...Human Beings don't need to live on the brink of annihilation...apparently, Human Doings, do....

Remember, you are first and foremost, a human being, yes, you can be a human doing and you will be from time to time, but stop, look, and listen, go gently into your day, be well, trust yourself, love the ones you're with (and that includes all of humanity and the other beings of the earth), laugh a lot, don't forget to cry when you need to, share this with whomever needs to hear it (there are some buttons below to do that); and until next time, I remain, Respectfully Yours, Larry

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