The content here is based on the Core Paradigm of human consciousness. I discovered this paradigm seventeen years ago and my life has not been the same since. It's focus is on supporting us in our life endeavors. Each title has a 'thought for the day' and an 'action you can take' to challenge the status quo of the issues you face. Please feel free to browse the various titles, ask questions, comment or challenge anything posted. If you have specific requests or issues you wish me to address let me know. You may contact me at larsline@mail.com or go to my website at http://www.lifeaftersurvival.com/ to learn more about the paradigm and read about my book Life after Survival: Consciously Evolving our Consciousness. I hope you will find value and return often...Larry

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Being, Doing, Having in Your Life

...there are many paths to travel, but always, it is a question of who will be traveling them...when we get triggered by life we lose the ability to choose...we become feral by nature and we slip seamlessly into our survival personae...from there most of life is lead to no particular benefit....

Is that true? Do you and I get triggered by circumstance, loss, fear and pain? I know the answer for me is a resounding yes; and when that happens, and it does more often than I would care to admit, I am miles from a place that would allow me to find peace and well being...I lose the ability to live and let live, I become strident or uncommunicative and most of all I become right, or wrong, without any ground in between.

If you want to solve an issue in your life, in my experience, you must first be willing to surrender your willfulness, righteousness, helplessness, hopelessness and victimhood...these are the playground of the terminally triggered people of the world...this is the place of war, poverty, self absorption and intractability...survival is not a place of living...it is a place of desperation.

If you have a war in your life, or an intractable issue, no matter its nature...trust me when I tell you with all kindness, YOU ARE TRIGGERED....

This is not a bad thing...it is, however, a place where you will find no peace...you are not this little "you", except as you believe that to be true..."you" (small letters) is the personae of the triggered being; and your path of peace lies in your willingness to surrender this little "you" and discover the miracle of the "YOU" of your Authentic Being.

It starts with trusting that no good will come from being triggered and
no lasting solution will be found in fight/flight/freeze reactions...YOU is waiting for "you" to allow it to reemerge and you/YOU is only a moment of release away....

Try it next time you feel like shouting, or hiding, or feeling hurt, lost or helpless and you may be amazed at what world awaits you...our leaders could use a time out, and with it a new will of co-operation, but rather than wait for them, let's just take the time ourselves and release...we belong here, this is our time, life is good in spite of any circumstance that seeks to say something to the contrary...live well, cry freely, relax, know of your strength and until next time, I remain...Respectfully Yours, Larry

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Allowing Love...Revisited...

...Allowing...allowing...not the stuff of a go getter, high achiever, money maker, firebrand politician, or even a good C.E.O., Parent, Doctor, Lawyer or, ... YOU???? Me????

We gentle a bit as the years past, well, some do, many might decide that what is really going on, is that we "settle"...settle for what as kids would nearly kill us...and some of us do just that...but, is that what it is I wish to speak of, this "Allowing thing" I'm sharing about today, is it just some rationalization to 'be', 'do', 'have' less than is possible? I don't think so, I think it's the path to discovery, peace of mind, well being, and co-operative life on a shared planet.

When I find myself drifting away from allowing life to unfold, (that 'drifting' may actually look like careening out of control down the highways of my life), I sometimes FEEL like things are more in control, managed, and SAFER...but I've never found, upon retrospect that, that was truly so with any aspect of life or real achievement. Short term gains sometimes seem necessary, and perhaps they are, but this 'short term gain' thing is not the rare exception in human endeavor (and especially the human endeavor of most of us here in America) it is the rule of thumb that is undercutting us as individuals, villages, towns, cities, states, and nations...too much doing, driving, forcing...making happen...not enough "allowing".

I'll make it simple...it's true for me, and I know from simple observation how true it is for each person I see struggling with life at any level. Parenting isn't hard...teaching isn't hard, having quality partnerships, rewarding careers, good emotional balance, easily available effective health care for the entire community, strong non threatening, non-limiting faith, and cleaner more healthful air is not the stuff of Titans...It is the stuff of allowing....

I know this to be true...not theoretically, but practically, when people stop pushing, driving, fearing, forcing...demanding, and TRYING...things begin to work...I can promise you that...really....We can have our basic needs met and our health system in order, and productive service (also known as jobs) available to any who wish to participate...we can have good social order and deep rewarding personal lives, daily, weekly, monthly...we can...and I promise that this is not just silly nonsense...really....

Now, I know, who am I, and why should anyone listen to this???...these issues are just too important to play nambie, pambie, Pollyanna games with...we can't just stick our head in the ground and wait for nirvana...well, wait...haven't we tried it the other way long enough? Is the air clean, roads safe, are the systems functioning so highly above expectations????? And most importantly for all, are you fully engaged in productive service within your community that seems to have eliminated the destructive power of our financial and social meltdown? Is satisfaction running so high, debt load so low, and well being pouring out of so many places that we can't stop just for a moment to pause....

Try it...today...just stop...relax...gentle a bit, then discover what is, right there in front of you, relax, let go of your judgement and BE...Be with what is until you can allow it to be, and love it to be, just as it is...just what it is, "in the service of you and all about you"...relax, this too shall pass, life can recover, lives can be spared, joy can abound...you are a child of this universe, "allow it"...it is immense, and waiting for you to emerge from the driven concerns of a too stressful life...be well, cry freely, live with grace for yourself and all that share the journey with you...allowing love in your life is allowing life in your love...thanks for looking in...until next time, I remain, Respectfully Yours, Larry

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Today and Everyday

I've struggled some this past year, a culmination of just the right amount of illness, loss of income and dealing with all that entails in this world of ours. I have passed through some places I've never imagined I would travel...and handled it worse than I thought possible...I feel beat up, beat down and bedraggled...and sometimes those are my good days...I don't know why I am telling you this and that is the best news I've had today...I don't know why....

All of my struggles come down to one thing...trying to manage life, or said in other ways "Coping"...I've been "Coping"...how often we think of coping as a good thing...but my experience tells me otherwise...not just mine, but all the clients I've had through all the years of my practice. If you're struggling to answer "WHY QUESTIONS", you're coping, and you're triggered and if you're triggered you've fallen from the one place that, can and will, offer you comfort and real healing...TODAY....

Everyday is today...it is all that any of us have and certainly all that I have. Today, I write to you, to remind myself that, today, I am in the best place I've ever been in in my life, not only do I have my health, but I have a strong financial position, better friends than ever I knew was possible, opportunities just awaiting my willingness to go forth and...today is the best day of my life. (That wasn't what I thought as I began to write, it is simply what I found, as the words came forth.)

They say you teach what you need to learn and no doubt that is true of me...I know some of you struggle, find frustration, feel bedraggled and I want you to know that, that was and is because of 'yesterday and tomorrow', not today and everyday...for today and everyday, I am fine, I choose it; until I forget who I am, and then I worry about yesterday and tomorrow and never even check in with today....

Thank you for your patience, it's been quite some time since we've spoken...but you we're never far from my thoughts and until I was willing to be here with you today...without knowing why, I made up that I did not wish to burden you or me with yesterday and tomorrow...be well, breathe, cry, play, jump for joy, (never did know quite who Joy was), never answer 'WHY QUESTIONS' and remember you too are a child of the universe, you belong here, you make a difference, you are loved and cherished and it has always been so...so, love the one's you're with and I shall be sharing with you soon, with much gratitude and respect, I remain, Respectfully Yours, Larry

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