The content here is based on the Core Paradigm of human consciousness. I discovered this paradigm seventeen years ago and my life has not been the same since. It's focus is on supporting us in our life endeavors. Each title has a 'thought for the day' and an 'action you can take' to challenge the status quo of the issues you face. Please feel free to browse the various titles, ask questions, comment or challenge anything posted. If you have specific requests or issues you wish me to address let me know. You may contact me at larsline@mail.com or go to my website at http://www.lifeaftersurvival.com/ to learn more about the paradigm and read about my book Life after Survival: Consciously Evolving our Consciousness. I hope you will find value and return often...Larry

Monday, August 16, 2010

Who is Important?

You know who's important...you see them in the paper, Paris, Brittney, Lindsey...Or maybe Clinton, or Bush...maybe Rush, or O'Reilly...Obama??? not so much...but BP, yep, and don't forget AIG they're too big to fail...Lots and lots of important folks...Tiger, and any news maker of the day...Important....

Everybody with a platform is important...oooooouuu...this is my platform...I must be important...Not so much...too small...too, too, too...nothing...but B of A is important, and everyone speaking on behalf of a country is important...or are they???

You know, it may seem incredibly impossible but you are important, far more important that everyone listed so far...in a world of human beings, you are doing well in the "being" part of that equation...the world of human doings??? maybe not so much...but the human doings right now are not "doing" such a bang up job....

Ever stop to think that amassing a few billion dollars like Billy Gates is not such a grand thing...when the Pharaohs got a few hundred thousand of us to build their coffin...did that make them important...history thinks so...and therefore, too often, so do we...but the Pharaohs were part of the problem not part of the solution...and so are almost all of the important people the media write about today...

Mel Gibson is not important, the stockholders are not important, any government official...is definitely not important...the only people who are important are the people who don't think so and are willing to do whatever it takes to make things better for everyone else....

We live in a village, a small village on a little round ball hurtling madly through space...we are one people and one group, with each individual having the same needs (needs are things that, without them, you would die, or be severely restricted) and mostly the same wants...sure some want red cars and some want green and some want no cars at all, but wants are only relevant when we make sure everyone gets what they need...If our leaders are focused on that...well done...if not...then 'we'...the important ones, need to stand up and point out who isn't getting what they need....

I'll bet you are doing a good job of that, but few listen and even fewer act...the privileged of this world want their life back too...and everyone of them is very busy pretending that working overtime to keep "what is theirs and yours" and "getting more for me not us," is the order of the day...It isn't, but that seems to go unheard...Wells Fargo just said that the customers want them to structure the overdrafts in such a way that they make another 1.4 billion dollars...is that what you told them???, because I didn't...I don't want them taking twice what is owed...and I'm just going to take a wild guess that you don't either...Years ago when Maxwell House quietly reduced the pound of coffee to twelve ounces without changing the can size, they said it was in response to what their customers wanted???? To pay more for less and not be told about it???? really???

We are in the age of rationalization...you know...that thing we all do when we don't want reality to intrude...the world could certainly use a few of us to point out when big business and government rationalize their behavior in order to protect themselves at your expense...and believe me fox news isn't one of these or msnbc...Pundits almost never come from the heart....

I know...no use fighting city hall...and yet...what else we got to do, anyway...Oh yeah, live our life...well good idea...live away, but once in a while when someone tells you that you want to pay them an obscene profit for health care, or pay more for less, or ignore how they are gouging or cheating you, speak up...and speak out, anyway you can...it's not so hard, be careful, though, it's never about institutions, it's only about YOU, the real you, the one who knows that the golden rule really is the way to live...YOU are the important one, because YOU knows that everyone is on this ride together...if it's really good for YOU, it will really be good for everyone; and if it isn't, then it isn't ...no more rationalizations...is it in service, or not...is it something you would want done to and for your mother, or not...is it decent, by any definition or not...and most of all, do you have any clue what is your fair share???

It ain't 200 million dollars, or 9 million dollar bonuses...let's get everyone with more than 15 million dollars together and have them live and work in the Sudan...bet it wouldn't take long for that mess to stop....

Well, rant is over...gotta get back to smilin' and seein' what is needed; and tryin' my best to be even one half as good as the rest of you...I love you guys, those who read this, and you've always been a step or two ahead...so, love the ones you're with, cry when you need to, be well, live with peace, go gently into your lives and celebrate the little things...until next time, I remain...Respectfully Yours, Larry

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