The content here is based on the Core Paradigm of human consciousness. I discovered this paradigm seventeen years ago and my life has not been the same since. It's focus is on supporting us in our life endeavors. Each title has a 'thought for the day' and an 'action you can take' to challenge the status quo of the issues you face. Please feel free to browse the various titles, ask questions, comment or challenge anything posted. If you have specific requests or issues you wish me to address let me know. You may contact me at larsline@mail.com or go to my website at http://www.lifeaftersurvival.com/ to learn more about the paradigm and read about my book Life after Survival: Consciously Evolving our Consciousness. I hope you will find value and return often...Larry

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Be, Do, Have

You know, human beings have two very distinct operating systems. History has been full of references to this phenomenon, mind/body dichotomy, good and evil, heaven and hell...but it is far more personal than that. Each of us, individually, have two very distinct operating systems; and it really is what makes our world go round....

...the second operating system we might call grazing...it is an amazingly unique system developed only after we grew some very large frontal lobes...the Neo-cortex is its home...this operating system allows us to be human beings...it generates our curiosity, imagination, creativity, and allows us to be compassionate, kind, thoughtful, giving, co-operative even when it doesn't serve some personal need...and loving...this operating system allows us to listen, without forming a counter opinion, be concerned for others even when we are being berated by them, be willing to sacrifice gain today for the good of tomorrow, form consensus and experience fulfillment in service...it allows us to turn the other cheek...it is an amazing advance of consciousness unseen in a world before Homo, Sapiens, Sapiens...we've all experienced this operating system...we know its true...we've seen it in operation and been its author....

...then there is the first operating system, its home is the Amygdala and core brain...it has access to most of mental capacities of Homo, Sapiens and it is probably best described as your survival system...it has one of the most sophisticated fight, flight, freeze mechanisms in the world and it is capable of amazing feats of physical and mental manipulations that allow us to be the most adaptable species on the planet...It has fantastic tool making capacity, cunning, deception, misdirection, and insight into the workings of things...it is a human doing at an incredible pace...it sees things in black and white, good or bad, in or out; and you couldn't have a better ally in a fox hole...it is your best defense because it can create a defense for just about anything...none of us would even be here without it....

The operating systems are hierarchical, if survival SEEMS to be at stake you will be using your survival operating system...and when things are safe enough you will have access to your gazing system...I call these two systems the auto/protector self and the Authentic Self...but that's probably wrong, because it makes one seem better than the other...and they are not...each has its place and that is the point of this blog....

When things are really dangerous to life, it is a good idea to use your auto/protector operating system...But, and here's the rub, most of the time, in today's world, things are safe, but the auto/protector is the system we use to determine whether it's safe or not...and invariably it's answer is (just to be on the safe side) NO...it leads us to determine that that new group is dangerous, or these circumstances are risky, or supporting our opponent is wrong, or that stocking up for our side is best, that other's ideas are dangerous and strong defenses are never strong enough...it sees the boogie man in every corner and it makes it damn hard for any of us to find our other operating system....

We have two operating systems and too few of us, too little of the time, use both in a balanced way...when 9-11 happened I wanted to nuke everybody involved, or supportive of it...("auto/Protector")...that never can work, never will work...doesn't matter, I wanted to do it anyway...and that's the thing about our two systems, one of them could make things a lot better for all of us, and one of them only wants to make it better for ME...Obama may not be your cup of tea, but we could make him the best president ever if we chose...yes, if he wanted to start another war, we might have to think twice about that, but we can help anyone be better by being better ourselves....

If you could use your Authentic Self system...it would easily see that sacrifice of the immediate gain was a good thing, it would give whoever is president a helpful hand and pose concerns as thoughtful possibilities, but it is seldom allowed to play in today's world, because we all think survival is more important than living...maybe it is, I don't know...but it's not what I'm hoping for...what I'm hoping for is that you will stop and look and think...is this my grazing self or my protective self (and maybe, "is that their protective self or thoughtful self) maybe even review the above definitions to help you decide if the people you listen to deserve your adherence/agreement (auto/protector), or compassion/thoughtful understanding of their being in survival (Authentic Self)...it's actually easy to spot survival, when you let go of survival...and then asked, "If I don't declare it safe...then who..." This is not about who is right or wrong it is about who is willing to use their Authentic operating system when everything and everyone else is telling them not to...turn the other cheek, give up today's gain for tomorrow's promise, help someone other than yourself by knowing that truly is in service to you, wake up from the nightmare of bully pulpits, greed, (self possession/absorption/aggrandizement), need, and fear...be a light, no matter how small or dim, that welcomes all who need your love...give freely of yourself and do so especially when you don't think you can...this is not about, 'US or THEM'...we are all US...THERE IS NO THEM...I know you are doing a grand job of this, but it helps me to say these things, so that at least I am reminded...love the ones you're with and those who may come to view, cry freely, be generous, gentle and in love with the possibilities...give grace to those you disagree with and enjoy...until next time, I remain...Respectfully Yours, Larry

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