The content here is based on the Core Paradigm of human consciousness. I discovered this paradigm seventeen years ago and my life has not been the same since. It's focus is on supporting us in our life endeavors. Each title has a 'thought for the day' and an 'action you can take' to challenge the status quo of the issues you face. Please feel free to browse the various titles, ask questions, comment or challenge anything posted. If you have specific requests or issues you wish me to address let me know. You may contact me at larsline@mail.com or go to my website at http://www.lifeaftersurvival.com/ to learn more about the paradigm and read about my book Life after Survival: Consciously Evolving our Consciousness. I hope you will find value and return often...Larry

Sunday, May 30, 2010

From Ireland with love...

...nothin' like travel to give you a little perspective...or maybe it only gives me a little...you may have it all together, but I'm not even close...today is a grand Irish day, a bit o mist and a beautiful view...that wasn't so when I arrived...when I arrived I was physically not okay...I had, for the first time in my life walked off a golf course on the third hole...out of breath, dizzy, slight nausea...wondering what was goin' on with me...and equally determined to ignore it...nothing better than denial is my policy...I huffed and puffed around, sometimes feelin' a bit better, but never far from feeling something seriously was wrong that I was determined to ignore...at 65 with a history of stroke, cancer, brain tumor and other assorted ills it seemed like the thing to do....

So, off to Ireland and a fine visit with youngest son who had a few weeks to hang with his parents...we didn't really have the money or the time, life was a bit in turmoil and definitely not a good time to run off...so run off we did...and, of course, when we got there I felt worse...had trouble climbing the stairs, thought I'd pass out tryin' to hit a golf ball at the driving range in preparation for a game the next day and finally I had to come clean..."Devin (my son) there's something wrong with me, I don't know if I'm havin' heart problems or I'm just stressed out of my mind, but I almost had to sit down after the first swing at the range."

Gee, Dad, we should find out...what's goin' on?"

So, I told him and in the process found out what a marvelous Life Coach he was...he told me many of the things I tell my clients and in the end...with many tears...I released the pain and suffering I was living with, apologized to him my wife, the world in general and recovered my life...Oh, did I mention how incredibly debilitating stress can be? If not consider yourself warned...stress is a killer and so is denial...you can't always solve your distress, sometimes you need a trusting hand to get you through it...I recommend my son...he is spectacularly good, but then he has no interest in being a Life Coach...I do, however, and if you or someone you know is struggling to be free, upbeat, happy and fulfilled, tell them to get help, and if they don't know who to use send them to me...Internet works, phone or email...don't live with stress...it isn't worth it....

Amazing how easy it is to walk and run, to play golf, up and down the hills, to cherish the day, the sunset, the late night after a pint of Guinness--when you're not choking on your own anxiety/depression...and no matter how good you are, you can't always be good for yourself...Devin cured me, by being the placeholder I needed...not forever, but for NOW, and NOW is a grand place to live...remember, love the ones you're with, cherish yourself, your life, and those who need to be reminded of who they really are, go gentle into your day...until next time, I remain, Respectfully yours, Larry
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Monday, May 10, 2010

Good Morning...and other silly nonsense....

I hope it's good...but good or not, it is morning...Judgements for human beings can be incredibly useful..."Is this good water?"...if not it may kill you...but judgements, too often today are the tethers that bind us to our fears and keep us from living large in our lives....Learning the difference between survival and living is really, learning the difference between acting from fear and choosing possibilities...between nightmares and reality....

Today, I awoke from a nightmare...driven by all the things that could go wrong, or might go wrong, or were inevitably set to go wrong, I saw the possibilities and judged them 'BAD'...and I was terrified...who, in their right mind could even imagine having a chance against such odds...and then, I awoke and 'voila', a grand morning...I chose to judge the morning 'good', grand, if you like...and as I sat down to write this my wife said how bad a night she had spent...full of anxiety...riddled with fear...and that became the basis of our morning conversation... wow, what an opportunity to choose, let the fear run (spelled 'ruin') our lives or face the insecurity, angst, and judgments we make that trap us and leave us unable to sing....

We chose to sing...we chose to embrace the fear and each other and emerge from the nightmare...oddly knowing how grand it is to finally stop and face the boogie man...the nightmare doesn't end with the cessation of sleep, it only ends when you choose to awaken to your own strength and will..."We will run no further, do your worst you old boogieman"...and he limped away chastened by the courage of the vulnerability...will you chose to face your bogeymen...I hope so...You can spot them by taking less than a minute to assess...are you feeling inspired, alive, compassionate, optimistic...if not, look around because there's a boogie man somewhere near by...it might even be a boogie woman and you will have a grand opportunity to face her and declare your intention to live in the light...if that seems too hard, seek out a life coach, or find a friend with the capacity to see past your judgments and learn or relearn to sing...GOOD Morning...whether or not it is, is a matter for your choosing...remember to love the ones you're with and until next time I remain, Respectfully Yours, Larry

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Sunday, May 2, 2010

...and God said, "Let there be light..."

Yes, she did...we were sitting in the parlor and I was complaining about one thing and another and she said, "Let there be light." and I said, "could you be any less obscure?" She laughed and said, "Look, you can be stuck in the drama of your life, or you can step out of it for a moment and bring the light of consciousness where only darkness was a moment before."
Well to say the least, I was dumbstruck....

Here's God in all her glory telling me the same things I tell my clients, "Choose, stay in your story, or let it go...return to the light of authentic self awareness." I'll be damned,(oops, just an expression God, don't take it seriously) If I'm feelin' gray the answer is within me...stop, choose, release...sometimes it's easier to do than others, and yet, it is always our choice...

My hope is that today and each day you choose the light...I will do my best...I know that depression, anxiety, compulsion and addiction is not the answer...now all I have to do is choose otherwise...I do...love the one's you're with and until next time, I remain...Respectfully Yours, Larry

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