The content here is based on the Core Paradigm of human consciousness. I discovered this paradigm seventeen years ago and my life has not been the same since. It's focus is on supporting us in our life endeavors. Each title has a 'thought for the day' and an 'action you can take' to challenge the status quo of the issues you face. Please feel free to browse the various titles, ask questions, comment or challenge anything posted. If you have specific requests or issues you wish me to address let me know. You may contact me at larsline@mail.com or go to my website at http://www.lifeaftersurvival.com/ to learn more about the paradigm and read about my book Life after Survival: Consciously Evolving our Consciousness. I hope you will find value and return often...Larry

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Do Overs, Letting go of Regrets

Sometimes, as we move along in life, it feels like we have missed an opportunity, or failed to take advantage, or held ourselves back in some important way...we have regret...or at least a little unsettling feeling that something past has left us sad. If we make a mistake, or do an injustice, or fail someone important to us...(after getting past all our denials of it's not my fault)...we may feel bad or regret our actions or inaction's. Regret is painful and often people deny having it...but denying it isn't the same as being free of it.

Sometimes, we just need a do over...make it right...take the leap...say what we couldn't, or take back what we should...Hold your hand up if you'd like a do over...Yeah, mine was up too.

Do overs would be grand, but...Yeah...do overs don't exist...or do they? When you're ready to let go of the past and get on with the NOW do overs might well be in order. One way you can release from a loss, or bad behavior is by embracing it and acknowledging its impact on you and everyone affected..."what we resist, persists...what we fully experience disappears"...If you are still bothered by a past event, see if it's true that you haven't allowed yourself to fully experience it...trust me, you haven't...let yourself embrace the full experience, past your reactions (they hate me, I'll never win, I'll never get another chance, I'm worthless, etc.) and pain, and include how it passes into "what comes next"(I'm still here and life is moving on.)...often what comes next is a do over...I'm sorry (fill in the blank____) could we have a do over"..."I really would love to hear about your day..." "Oh, my mistake cost you your arm...I wish there could be a do over, but I can't take it back...I'm sorry is only the beginning of my support for you, I will do whatever it takes to make amends?" Then, live into your commitment. (Not self flagellation,or whipping boy...but real accountability.)

When we complete an experience see the possibilities and take action we leave regret in the dust. When and if you can't do that in your life...take a moment, find an objective coach and let them help you release from the fear or pain stored from past incompletions. Regret is hoping and wishing, Do overs are for those of us ready to get on with our lives and committed to making our world and this world a better place for everyone...until next time...love the ones your with...I remain, Respectfully Yours, Larry

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Life goes on, and on, and on...don't stop believin'

Lots of things wrong today...war, poverty, financial meltdown, corrupt politicians, more corrupt corporate dealings, bailouts...on and on and on...It's true, it's what's so and it's also "so what"!  Yeah, things are wrong, people get hurt, unfairness abounds, kids fail to find their potential, adults lose a grip on their dreams...on and on and on....

It is what's so; but it's not the only what's so...right in the middle of one of the worst periods of U. S. politics a young man stands up and speaks of hope...and we believe...no amount of fraud and sophistry can quell the human spirit; and no amount of disillusionment can keep us from believin'....

We are optimistic.  Oh, sure, we can be pessimistic about just about anything, but under it all we are resilient...you are resilient...you may be faced with things going wrong in your life and it may seem hopeless, and you may feel hopeless, or frustrated, or sad, or lonely, or depressed.  You're not alone and it's not forever, until and unless you quit believin...

If it gets to the point where you can't believe anymore, find someone who does and will work with you as your life coach...and lean on them until you can find your way back...you will...I promise you...you will....

If you know you have tried and tried and tried and your problems persist, or you realize you are trapped in a no win situation...stop, breathe, and get coached...you are triggered, you are coping and you are failing to thrive...You deserve to thrive and you can and will if you only allow yourself to believe....

Believe in yourself and believe there is a coach out there waiting to help, and able to help you find your path back to the light...Life goes on and you deserve to know of happiness, productivity, to be cherished and loved...believe and act...reach out and allow yourself to experience and release from the fear and pain clogging up any aspect of your life...remember, love the ones you're with...until next time, I remain, Respectfully Yours, larry

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Monday, October 19, 2009

Where have all the Flowers Gone?

Are you struggling, or perhaps 'trying' to be happy?  There are many of us who struggle with issues that range from unhappiness about our personal image (weight, looks, etc.) to struggles with success, money, relationships, self esteem, emotional stability, or lack of purpose.  Do you believe you are destined to struggle...or stand to the side while others seem to blossom. Ever ask yourself "why am I here?"

Maybe it's just a fluke of nature...a blip in the cosmos...perhaps living means nothing and our lives are pointless...complete and utter randomness...pointless in every way...what could be better than that?

There is no doubt that meaning starts and ends with you...without life, without YOU, nothing matters...You make life worth living and YOU bring meaning to all of the random actions of the universe...it has always been so.

Without our human consciousness of good, better, best, we would be no more than random events, but we are not. We are individual gifts, with the potential to love, inspire, support and admire...when we lose our way we forget who we really are and we struggle.

Life and self consciousness allow for meaning, purpose, goodness and evil...it is not 'out there' but within us...we have the power to be good and to bring good to every interaction and our forgetting that can bring pain and evil.  When we are hurt, and helpless, or struggling to 'get', when we stuff our vulnerability, fear and pain, steeling ourselves against the bears in our lives, we can become part of the processes that send our society into chaos...when we stop and surrender to our pain and fear we can release from our dramas and misdeeds and become a powerful force for good in our world....

Are you struggling?  Then stop, surrender, breathe, believe in yourself and in the inate goodness of our collective universe...if that is hard for you, find someone who will help you and guide you to discover your own inner harmony...if you want to know what faith is...take a leap of faith, no matter the current circumstances, that you are good and worthy and a gift, that all is unfolding as it should...and then have faith in the truth that you are loved unconditionally and that you have the power to love unconditionally, that in time it will make a difference and bring that faith to each of your interactions until it becomes true in your life...

You are the light, you are the joy, you are the meaning and purpose and gift that each of us cherish...if this is less than absolutely true for you, then your task is clear...FIND IT...until next time, I remain, respectfully yours, Larry

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Greed, a love story

I went to see "Capitalism: A Love Story" and was confronted with how little it had to do with capitalism and how much it told the story of greed. Perhaps, the message is that capitalism shall inevitably lead to greed and while I doubt that, I don't wish to debate it. What I am quite sure about is that greed and self absorption have played an increasingly destructive role in the corporate community and in our own lives...either as the victim of it or the sirens song of striving to get ours....

The helplessness many of us feel at the hands of the corporate giants is palatable today. The rationalizations used by industry to cut portions, raise prices, lower quality, cut corners and lay waste to their employees, hurt each and every one of us. We live in our society and are affected by the levels of injustices we are confronted with; but we are even more affected by the injustices that tear at the heart of our social fiber and individual integrity. We have turned the corner away from social justice and are hurtling headlong down the path of power plays, swindled riches, and social rationalization.

"We have an obligation to our stockholders", "we deserve huge bonuses", "we're too big to fail"...etc. etc. etc... If you're caught up in this, or other rationalizations, or just the head long pursuit of social media self aggrandizement and self promotion... AND you are feeling just a little empty or lost...then maybe it's time to take stock.

We are all in this together...in what?...in living on this planet...what YOU do does make a difference...character does count...caring for your neighbor will bring great rewards...saying no to greed, saying no to your boss who wants you to mislead, stopping yourself from denying someone health care because it's too expensive for your company...lying cheating, rationalizing, losing your sense of honor and fair play are done by people caught up in the rush to short term profit, or self agrandizement; and/or caught up in thinking that their small voice has no power against the tidal wave of social injustice...they are wrong...live your life caring for others, because you will soon learn it amounts to caring for yourself...stand up against unfairness, injustice, rationalization, self absorption and greed...do it today...enlist the aid of your friends and let's put a stop to greed and begin to live with peace....

Go see Capitalism ignore the dogma, be outraged by the injustice and resolve to do better, be better and have better...until next time...love the ones you're with...Until then I remain...Yours truly and respectfully, Larry

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